Federal Decentralization: Requirements
As a minimum the unit must contribute a profit to thecompany rather than merely contribute to the profit of the company.
Federal decentralization has stringent requirements.Federal decentralization is applicable only where a company can truly beorganized into a number of genuine businesses. This is its basic limitation. Asa minimum that unit must contribute a profit to the company. And it must be agenuine profit determined by the objective of judgment of the market place.
Federal decentralization will work only if thetop-management job is clearly defined and the thought through. Federalization(原文如此) if properly applied, makes top management capable ofdoing its own job precisely because it does not have to worry about operations,but can concentrate on direction, strategy, objectives and the key decisionsfor the future.
The federal principle demands great responsibility from theoperating units, the autonomous businesses. They are given the maximum ofautonomy; and that this requires that they assumed the maximum ofresponsibility. Federal decentralization requires centralize controls and acommon measurements. Both the managers of the autonomous businesses and a topmanagement must know what is expected of each business, what is meant by“performance” and what developments are important.
To be able to give autonomy one must have confidence. Andthat these requires controls that make opinions unnecessary. A federal unit ofa company is autonomous, but it is not independent and should not be. Itsautonomy is a means toward better performance for the entire company.
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