
General  knowledge  management









启发:彼得德鲁克通过G.I Bill of Rights看到知识社会,知识工作的挑战与机遇。通过人工智能,我们能够看到什么?AI时代将如何改变人的价值观、劳动力结构、就业机会?如何在AI时代不被淘汰?





The work of thesocial ecologist



If this change isrelevant and meaningful, what opportunities does it offer?


作为社会生态学家的工作是什么:首先,它意味着通过提出以下问题关注社会与社区:“已经发生的哪些事情与众所周知的不吻合?” “哪些心智模式在转变?”“是否有证据说明这种变化不是一种时髦?”最后,应该问“如果本次变革是有关联的且有意义,那它提供了什么机会?”

Now as to what thework of social ecologist is: first of all, it means looking at society andcommunity by asking these questions “what changes have already happened that donot fit what everybody knows?” “What are the ‘paradigm changes’?”“Is there any evidence that this is change is not a fad?” And, finally, one then asks “If this change is relevant and themeaningful, what opportunities does it offer?”


一个简单例子,即知识作为重要资源的出现。引起我警觉的事实是二次世界大战之后,美国政府通过的《退伍军人权力法案》。这部法律,为每一位退伍老兵提供了免费接受高等教育的机会。这是前所未有的进步。这些原因让我提出了一个问题|“这一变革给期望值、价值观、社会结构、就业等等带来哪些冲击?”问题一经提出 – 我最早于四十年代中提出– 就变得十分清晰,知识作为一种生产资料,已经占据社会位置,这在人类史上前所未有。


A simple example isthe emergence of knowledge as a key resource. The event that alerted me to thefact of something was happening was the passage of the GI Bill of Rights in theUnited States after the Second World War. This law gave every returning veteranthe right to attend college with the government paying the bill. It was atotally unprecedented development. These considerations led me to the question:“What impact does this have on expectations, on values, on social structure, onemployment, and so on?” And once this question was asked - I first asked it inthe late 1940s - it became clear that knowledge as a productive resource hadattained a position in society as never before in human history.



We were clearly onthe threshold of a major change. Ten years later, by the mid 1950s, one couldconfidently talk of a “knowledge society”, of “knowledgework”, as the new center of the economy, and of the “knowledge worker” as thenew, ascendant workforce.







Action Point:identify changes that have already taken place that do not fit “what everybodyknows”. Capitalize on the opportunities these present.

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